Visegrad Countries’ Experience for the RDFG Young Farmers’ Centers (ToT)

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On March 18-22, 2020, within the framework of the project V4 Rural Development Experience for Sustainable Growth, Visegrad Fund master trainer will conduct training (ToT) for Young Farmers’ Centers (YFC) trainers, Association Rural Development for Future Georgia’s (RDFG) two staff members. The final purpose of the activity is disseminating information amongst youth about environmental awareness, climate change, innovative agriculture practices, and information on how to utilize a protected national environment to increase tourism potential.

YFCs are supported by RDFG Farmer Field School expert staff and serves to equip students with knowledge on modern agricultural methodologies and give them an opportunity to apply these skills at demonstration plots established on their schools’ land. Mentioned practice aims to enable youth to recognize rural agriculture as a viable livelihood option and contribute to the reduction of labor migration of youth to the cities, where they should take on any available jobs, often to the detriment of their health and safety. YFCs are operating in schools throughout the Tetritskaro Municipality, engaging approximately 600 members.

The goal of the project V4 Rural Development Experience for Sustainable Growth is to lift the conditions of the people of the Tetritskaro Municipality using examples of V4 countries’ experiences of utilizing nature conservation to increase economic benefits from sustainable agriculture and tourism. This project is tied to and complements the existing project – Rural Development for Sustainable Growth in the Tetritskaro Municipality, funded by the European Union within the ENPARD Programme.

More about the project:

Nina Kopaleishvili – Communications Officer, RDFG

Nelly Revazishvili – Rural Development Project Manager, RDFG