
Founding of Tetritskato Local Action Group
Tetritskaro LAG, with a membership of 107 Tetritskaro inhabitants, was created in August 2017 according to the European Union LEADER approach. At the first meeting, the rights and duties of structural units of the LAG were defined. The LAG board was also elected, composing of 17 members. After the elections, 27 years old Nino Tikurishvili became the Executive Director of the Tetritskaro LAG.

Study Visit in Lithuania
In September 17-24 2017, RDFG representatives and Tetritskaro Local Action Group (LAG) board members participated in a study exchange visit in Lithuania. During their week-long visit, the Georgian delegation visited 7 local LAGs in different regions of Lithuania. The aim of the visit was to share successful examples of the LEADER approach to the members of Tetritskaro LAG. They also learned about the structure and working methods of Lithuanian LAGs and shared their experience.

Creating Tetritskaro Development Strategy
The development of the Strategy document started at the end of August 2017. The process was facilitated and methodologically guided by the Rural Development Project team of RDFG with the support of implementing partners – ATA and LLAGN. While creating the strategy, Tetritskaro LAG members followed the recommendations and practical advice of the Lithuanian LAG Network.

At the beginning, the analyses of the needs of Tetritskaro population and social-economic situation in the municipality was conducted by means of quantitative studies, focus groups and numerous discussions.
At the end of 2017, based on the analyses and consolidation of the gathered information, LAG identified four strategic priorities of the Tetritskaro Development Strategy. LAG members also created thematic working groups. At the beginning of 2018, these thematic groups worked on SWOT analysis for each strategic priority. During the thematic group meetings, LAG members also identified problems according to the priorities and defined the possible ways to solve them.

In February – March 2018, Tetritskaro LAG members defined the Local Development Strategy implementing action plan. In addition, they created the indicators of strategy monitoring and evaluation. Simultaneously, there were consultation processes within the community. LAG members held 20 meetings with Tetritskaro populations and introduced the draft version of the strategy.

Considering the feedback from Tetritskaro’s many communities, the Tetritskaro Development Strategy was confirmed in a LAG general meeting in March 2018.